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Records Management
The Archives and Records Management office is currently developing the records management program. Information about the program and documents will be listed here in the future.
Pastoral Ministry Center offices with storage needs may contact the archives office directly for assistance.
For Archdiocesan offices and parishes that need to transfer records to the Archives, please use the Records Transfer to the Archives form found on the Forms page.
Parish Support
The resources provided on this page are for the express use of the parishes in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. All forms and templates are to be administered under the guidance of the parish pastor. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at archive@archsa.org or call at 210-734-1959.
Sacraments and Sacramental Records
The policy for Sacramental Records Policy and Procedures may be found on the Guidelines, Recommendations, and Policies page.
Sacramental Records Training is available for all parish staff who work with sacramental records or formation, including priests and deacons.
Baptism guidelines and policies Baptism and for Emergency Baptism can be found on the Guidelines, Recommendations, and Policies page. For more information and assistance on baptism formation please click here.
Parishes must record all baptisms using the Baptismal Index Spreadsheet Template. The excel file and the Baptismal Index Spreadsheet Guide can be found on the Forms page. Please submit spreadsheets with no more than 100 indexed entries regularly using the request portal online.
Missing sacramental record and proof of paternity affidavits for all the sacraments can be found on the Forms page.
Sacramental certificates requested to support civil purposes should be given to persons in a sealed parish envelope with a signature over the seal. If unable to provide the document in this form, please have the requestor provide an Authorization for Release of Information form notarized by the parish or a notary to the Archives and Records Management office. The forms can be found on the Forms page.
Parish Inventories and Inspections
Parishes are required to provide a copy of their sacramental registers using the Sacramental Registers Inventory Form found on the Forms page to the Archives and Records Management office through the request portal online before each new assigned pastor.
Dean Parish Inspection Form can be found on the Forms page. Inspections occur every two years and completed form need to be sent to the Office of the Chancellor.
Delegation Letters are required to be sent to the Office of the Chancellor notifying specific duties assigned to staff members in association to the sacramental records. Please find the Delegation Letter Template on the Forms page as an example.
Other templates such as Notification to Parish Letter of Sacramental Certificate Template may be found on the Forms page.
For any other questions please submit them online through the request portal online.