XXVI Domingo Ordinario – Parroquia St. Mary’s, Mt. Angel, OR
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a reflexionar sobre el don del Espíritu de Dios y el desafío de vivir nuestra misión cristiana en el mundo.
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Mount Angel House
As we gather to commemorate the 25th anniversary Félix Rougier House of Studies, we are reminded of the sacred vocation entrusted to us as Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.
Memorial of the Korean Martyrs
As we gather today to celebrate the mysteries of our salvation, and particularly the Resurrection, we are also commemorating the lives of the Korean Martyrs and continuing to inculturate the Gospel into the traditional Korean festival of Chuseok.
XXV Domingo Ordinario – San Fernando Cathedral Mass
Queridos hermanos y hermanas: las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a considerar la sabiduría y la justicia en nuestra vida diaria, y cómo estas virtudes nos guían hacia una vida de servicio humilde en el reino de Dios.
Invocation for Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Gala
Good evening, and welcome to this blessed gathering, in which we celebrate not only the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, but also the Works of the Cross and the entire Family of the Cross.
Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist – Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Mass
As we gather today on the Feast of Saint Matthew, we are reminded of our shared calling as disciples of Christ.
Invocation for Knights of Columbus Clergy and Religious Dinner
My dear brother Knights of Columbus; it is always wonderful to be with you. Your dedication and visible presence, particularly at Eucharistic celebrations, is a true source of joy for the clergy and religious.
Invocation for San Antonio City Council
Good morning, Mayor Nirenberg, City Councilmembers, City officials, and all gathered here today.
Twenty-fourth Wednesday in Ordinary Time – Televised Mass with Senior Staff
“It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere,” to give thanks to the Father, “almighty and eternal God.”
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Care of Creation Mass
As we gather for the Mass for the Care of Creation, we are reminded of the healing that we all need – not just individually but also as a human family, called to care for our common home, the Earth.