Presbyteral Ordination

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, People of God: Today, we gather in joy and reverence to celebrate the ordination of these beloved brothers into our Lord Jesus Christ’s ministerial priesthood.

Pentecost Vigil

Dear People of God, on this sacred Vigil of Pentecost, our hearts are filled with expectation, awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us.

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller's Crest

Hoy el Señor sube al cielo. ¿Qué nos toca hacer a nosotros? La Ascensión del Señor es la expresión plena de su glorificación en el encuentro con el Padre, revelándonos las consecuencias últimas de la Resurrección.

Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter – MACC Graduation Mass

Graduates posing in front of altar

Fr. Juan Molina, faculty members, graduates, family members and friends, dear brothers and sisters; today we celebrate a momentous milestone in the lives of these graduates – the completion of their studies and the beginning of new services to the Lord and His Church.

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