The Archdiocese of San Antonio offers training for parish OCIA leaders and Formation teams.
On this page, you will find the recordings and resources of past training sessions.
For those parish Pastoral leaders who are unfamiliar with Christian Initiation for Children, please refer to the Christian Initiation for Children page.
The first Sessions 1-10 are intended for Leaders/Coordinators with 1-3 years of experience.
The last Sessions 1-3 are intended for those with 3+ years of experience.
Sessions 1-10 for RCIA Leaders and Coordinators with 1-3 Years of Experience
Session 1 | What is the RCIA and Who is it For?
Session 2 | The Period of Evangelization/Pre-Catechumenate
Session 3 | The Rite of Acceptance/Rite of Welcome
Session 4 | The Period of the Catechumenate—Part 1
Session 5 | The Period of the Catechumenate—Part 2
- The Period of the Catechumenate—Part 2 (YouTube)
- Presentation (PDF)
- Handout 1: Using a Celebration of the Word of God in a Catechetical Setting (PDF)
- Handout 2: Celebration of the Word of God (For a Catechetical Session on the Blessed Virgin Mary) (PDF)
- Handout 3: Minor Exorcisms (PDF)
- Handout 4: Blessings and Anointings (PDF)
- Handout 5: Ecclesial Methodology for RCIA Catechesis (PDF)
- Handout 6: Using Small Groups in the Catechumenal Process (PDF)
- Handout 7: Sample Job Description for a Godparent or Sponsor (PDF)
Session 6 | Marriage Issues and the Tribunal
Session 7 | The Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion
- The Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion (YouTube)
- Presentation (PDF)
- Handout 1: Questions that can be used in a Conversation/Dialogue to Help with the Discernment before the Rite of Election or Call to Continuing Conversion (PDF)
- Handout 2: Preparing for the Rite of Election or Call to Continuing Conversion (PDF)
Session 8 | The Period of Purification and Enlightenment
- The Period of Purification and Enlightenment (YouTube)
- Presentation (PDF)
- Handout 1: The 3 Aspects of Purification and Enlightenment (PDF)
- Handout 2: The Cycle A Gospels from John (PDF)
- Handout 3: Presentations of the Creed and the Our Father (To the Elect and possibly some Candidates) (PDF)
- Handout 4: Putting it all Together: A Possible Schedule for the Period of Purification and Enlightenment (PDF)
- Handout 5: 2022 Lenten Season Calendar to Customize for your RCIA Process (DOCX)