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Name | Department | Phone |
Sr. Gemma A. Abonge MCM, MSW | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1979 Ext 1026 |
Majo Aguilera | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1645 Ext 1297 |
Eric Allen | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1616 Ext 1112 |
Norma Alvarado | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-7786 Ext 200 |
Elsa Astorga | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1968 Ext 1271 |
Ana Bojorquez | Chancellor | (210) 735-0553 Ext 1427 |
Michael Bossaller | Department of Development | (210) 734-1673 Ext 1096 |
ZZ Branch | Department of Development | Ext 1157 |
Melissa Byrd | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1958 Ext 1039 |
Sally Carrion | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 Ext 1310 |
Cathleen G. Carroll | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1916 Ext 1595 |
Diego E. Castellanos | Media and Communication | Ext 1104 |
Dcn. Adrian Cepeda | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-0766 Ext 1080 |
Very Rev. Krikor G. Chahin JCD | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1661 Ext 1132 |
Amy K. Conner | Department of Stewardship & Development | (210) 734-1974 Ext 1243 |
Michael G. Contreras | Media and Communication | Ext 1276 |
Wendy Council | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1319 |
Natalie Cura | Department of Development | Ext 1237 |
Yolanda Deimel | Department of Administration | |
R.J. Delgadillo | Department for Pastoral Ministries | |
Melissa Dominguez | Department of Administration | |
Beverly Duke | Department of Development | (210) 734-1606 Ext 1223 |
Barry Edwards | Department of Administration | Ext 1255 |
Ademola E. Elliotte | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1638 Ext 1214 |
Tara Engberg-Castro | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 698-0175 |
Gabby Escamilla | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 |
Norma Ferdin | Department of Development | Ext 1099 |
Aciena Finch | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1905 Ext 1262 |
Jorge F. Flores | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1902 Ext 1297 |
Mandy Franco | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1610 Ext 1109 |
Samuel Friesenhahn | Department of Administration | |
Rev. Brian Garcia | Department for Pastoral Ministries | Ext 2301 |
Irene Garcia | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 Ext 1100 |
Pablo Garcia | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1665 Ext 1304 |
Michelle Garcia | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1954 Ext 1234 |
Kevin Gibson | Media and Communication | Ext 1110 |
Sandra Gomez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1623 Ext 1323 |
Kimberly Gonzalez | Department of Catholic Schools | Ext 1516 |
Blanca G. Gonzalez | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1625 Ext 1086 |
Daniel A. Guerrero Jr. | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1990 Ext 1053 |
Omar Gutierrez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 |
Sharon Heinrich | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1326 |
Ruben A. Hinojosa | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 Ext 1309 |
Joann Hopkins | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1693 Ext 1124 |
Isaac Huron | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1608 Ext 1280 |
Erica Jasso | Department of Development | (210) 734-1991 Ext 1267 |
Michael Langford | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1654 Ext 1316 |
Sarah Lawrence | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1659 Ext 1252 |
Roxanne LeBlanc | Department of Catholic Schools | |
Maria Lloyd | Department of Development | Ext 1219 |
Michael Loflin | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1321 |
Diane Lopez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1317 |
Yolanda Lopez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1684 Ext 1325 |
Maria Losoya | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1630 Ext 1261 |
Denise M. Marantes MSW | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1901 Ext 1150 |
Veronica Markland | Today's Catholic | (210) 734-1635 Ext 1111 |
Joan Martinez | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1624 Ext 1119 |
Dolores Martinez | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1912 Ext 1238 |
Celeste Martinez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1999 Ext 1190 |
Megan Martinez | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1963 Ext 1263 |
Steve Martinez | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-7786 Ext 202 |
Rosa Martinez-Gonzalez | Department of Administration | |
Yessica Marval | Chancellor | (210) 734-1676 Ext 1306 |
Nicky Mata | El Camino de San Antonio Missions | |
Angela Mauer | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-0754 Ext 1085 |
Jordan McMorrough | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1634 Ext 1128 |
Janet Mefrige | Media and Communication | Ext 1254 |
Very Rev. John A. Mefrige VE | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | (210) 734-1672 Ext 1134 |
Claire E. Meixner | Today's Catholic | (210) 734-1687 Ext 1121 |
Laura Melghem | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1689 Ext 1324 |
Alma Mendoza | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1941 Ext 1163 |
Sharon Menezes | Chancellor | (210) 735-0553 Ext 1431 |
Joshua Mitchener | Department for Pastoral Ministries | Ext 1089 |
Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo Villanueva | Chancellor | (210) 735-0553 Ext 1430 |
Jacob Montanez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 |
Deborah Montez | Department of Development | (210) 734-1641 Ext 1094 |
Very Rev. Tomichan Moonnanappillil MSFS | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | Ext 1191 |
Nora Mozingo | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 342-6711 Ext 119 |
Andrea E. Mullins | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1661 Ext 1184 |
Rev. Godfrey Mwansa | Department for Pastoral Ministries | |
Dcn. Pete G. Nanez | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1995 Ext 1060 |
Veronica Nino | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1914 Ext 1245 |
Maria Elena Nino de Baez | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1657 Ext 1231 |
Marina-Esther Olivares | Department for Pastoral Ministries | Ext 1084 |
Alejandro Orbezo Elizaga | Media and Communication | Ext 1165 |
Daniel Oubre | Department for Pastoral Ministries | Ext 1142 |
Dcn. Mike Pawelek | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | (210) 734-1678 Ext 1230 |
Lori Peery JD, JCL | Chancellor | (210) 734-1670 Ext 1307 |
Melissa Pena-Rodriguez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1681 Ext 1218 |
Margaret Perales | Department of Development | Ext 1095 |
Dcn. Roel Quiroga | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | (210) 734-1685 Ext 1232 |
Charles Ramirez | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-5137 Ext 1406 |
Yenisse Ramirez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 Ext 1335 |
Linda Ramirez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1672 Ext 1318 |
Toni Ramirez | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1657 Ext 1196 |
Xavier Ramirez | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1620 Ext 1102 |
Yesenia Ramirez | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1915 Ext 1113 |
Arturo C. Ramos | Department of Administration | Ext 1256 |
Alfonso Rebolloso | Department of Administration | (210) 734-2620 |
Grace Rodriguez | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1643 Ext 1205 |
Juan Carlos Rodriguez | Department of Administration | Ext 1305 |
Maria L. Rodriguez | Department of Administration | |
Jennifer Rodriguez | Department of Development | (210) 734-1644 Ext 1091 |
Rebecca Rodriguez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1270 |
Martha Ross | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | Ext 1318 |
Amy Rubio | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1646 Ext 1116 |
Laura G. Ruiz MS, MAPM | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1696 Ext 1135 |
Max Saavedra | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1683 Ext 1315 |
Esperanza Sanchez | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1966 Ext 1058 |
Elvira Sanchez Kisser | Chancellor | (210) 734-1959 Ext 1137 |
Kathryn Sauceda | Media and Communication | (210) 734-1981 Ext 1515 |
Barry Schoedel | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1960 Ext 1226 |
Linda Schooling-Burgos | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1097 |
Hon. Rebecca Simmons | El Camino de San Antonio Missions | (210) 734-1648 |
Lauren Stadelman | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1632 Ext 1143 |
Paul Stadelman | El Camino de San Antonio Missions | |
Brent Stauffer | Chancellor | Ext 1146 |
Daryl Swanson | Media and Communication | Ext 1105 |
Del Tamez | Media and Communication | Ext 1217 |
Rev. Teji John Thanippilly | Department for Pastoral Ministries | |
Delia Thomas | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1677 Ext 1333 |
Laura Torres | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1955 Ext 1598 |
Logan Underdown | Department of Administration | (210) 587-4971 Ext 1055 |
Patricia Vasquez | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1682 Ext 1314 |
Sr. Elizabeth Ann Vasquez SSCJ | Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life | Ext 1204 |
Carmen Vidal | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1913 Ext 1144 |
Jazmin Villamil | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-1650 Ext 1213 |
Rebecca Villarreal | Department for Pastoral Ministries | (210) 734-5138 Ext 1141 |
Evelyn Villegas | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1667 Ext 1322 |
Sr. Clotilde N. Wanki SHSp, JCD | Non-Departmental Offices | (210) 734-1698 Ext 1139 |
Lydia Washington | Department of Administration | (210) 734-1633 Ext 1140 |
Marti West Ed.D. | Department of Catholic Schools | (210) 734-1657 Ext 1225 |
Binisa Zentella | El Camino de San Antonio Missions |
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