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Sr. Gemma A. Abonge MCM, MSW Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1979 Ext 1026
Majo Aguilera Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1645 Ext 1297
Eric Allen Media and Communication (210) 734-1616 Ext 1112
Norma Alvarado Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-7786 Ext 200
Elsa Astorga Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1968 Ext 1271
Ana Bojorquez Chancellor (210) 735-0553 Ext 1427
Michael Bossaller Department of Development (210) 734-1673 Ext 1096
ZZ Branch Department of Development Ext 1157
Melissa Byrd Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1958 Ext 1039
Sally Carrion Department of Administration (210) 734-2620 Ext 1310
Cathleen G. Carroll Department of Administration (210) 734-1916 Ext 1595
Diego E. Castellanos Media and Communication Ext 1104
Dcn. Adrian Cepeda Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-0766 Ext 1080
Very Rev. Krikor G. Chahin JCD Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1661 Ext 1132
Michael G. Contreras Media and Communication Ext 1276
Wendy Council Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1319
Natalie Cura Department of Development Ext 1237
Yolanda Deimel Department of Administration
R.J. Delgadillo Department for Pastoral Ministries
Melissa Dominguez Department of Administration
Beverly Duke Department of Development (210) 734-1606 Ext 1223
Barry Edwards Department of Administration Ext 1255
Ademola E. Elliotte Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1638 Ext 1214
Tara Engberg-Castro Non-Departmental Offices (210) 698-0175
Gabby Escamilla Department of Administration (210) 734-2620
Norma Ferdin Department of Development Ext 1099
Aciena Finch Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1905 Ext 1262
Jorge F. Flores Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1902 Ext 1297
Mandy Franco Media and Communication (210) 734-1610 Ext 1109
Samuel Friesenhahn Department of Administration
Rev. Brian Garcia Department for Pastoral Ministries Ext 2301
Irene Garcia Department of Administration (210) 734-2620 Ext 1100
Pablo Garcia Department of Administration (210) 734-1665 Ext 1304
Michelle Garcia Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1954 Ext 1234
Kevin Gibson Media and Communication Ext 1110
Sandra Gomez Department of Administration (210) 734-1623 Ext 1323
Kimberly Gonzalez Department of Catholic Schools Ext 1516
Blanca G. Gonzalez Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1625 Ext 1086
Daniel A. Guerrero Jr. Department of Administration (210) 734-1990 Ext 1053
Omar Gutierrez Department of Administration (210) 734-2620
Sharon Heinrich Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1326
Ruben A. Hinojosa Department of Administration (210) 734-2620 Ext 1309
Joann Hopkins Media and Communication (210) 734-1693 Ext 1124
Isaac Huron Department of Administration (210) 734-1608 Ext 1280
Erica Jasso Department of Development (210) 734-1991 Ext 1267
Michael Langford Department of Administration (210) 734-1654 Ext 1316
Sarah Lawrence Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1659 Ext 1252
Roxanne LeBlanc Department of Catholic Schools
Maria Lloyd Department of Development Ext 1219
Michael Loflin Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1321
Diane Lopez Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1317
Yolanda Lopez Department of Administration (210) 734-1684 Ext 1325
Maria Losoya   Department of Administration (210) 734-1630 Ext 1261
Denise M. Marantes MSW Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1901 Ext 1150
Veronica Markland Today's Catholic (210) 734-1635 Ext 1111
Joan Martinez Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1624 Ext 1119
Dolores Martinez Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1912 Ext 1238
Celeste Martinez Department of Administration (210) 734-1999 Ext 1190
Megan Martinez Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1963 Ext 1263
Steve Martinez Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-7786 Ext 202
Rosa Martinez-Gonzalez Department of Administration
Yessica Marval Chancellor (210) 734-1676 Ext 1306
Nicky Mata El Camino de San Antonio Missions
Angela Mauer Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-0754 Ext 1085
Jordan McMorrough Media and Communication (210) 734-1634 Ext 1128
Janet Mefrige Media and Communication Ext 1254
Very Rev. John A. Mefrige VE Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life (210) 734-1672 Ext 1134
Claire E. Meixner Today's Catholic (210) 734-1687 Ext 1121
Laura Melghem Department of Administration (210) 734-1689 Ext 1324
Alma Mendoza Department of Administration (210) 734-1941 Ext 1163
Sharon Menezes Chancellor (210) 735-0553 Ext 1431
Joshua Mitchener Department for Pastoral Ministries Ext 1089
Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo Villanueva Chancellor (210) 735-0553 Ext 1430
Jacob Montanez Department of Administration (210) 734-2620
Deborah Montez Department of Development (210) 734-1641 Ext 1094
Very Rev. Tomichan Moonnanappillil MSFS Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life Ext 1191
Nora Mozingo Department of Catholic Schools (210) 342-6711 Ext 119
Andrea E. Mullins Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1661 Ext 1184
Rev. Godfrey Mwansa Department for Pastoral Ministries
Dcn. Pete G. Nanez Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1995 Ext 1060
Veronica Nino Department of Administration (210) 734-1914 Ext 1245
Maria Elena Nino de Baez Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1657 Ext 1231
Marina-Esther Olivares Department for Pastoral Ministries Ext 1084
Alejandro Orbezo Elizaga Media and Communication Ext 1165
Daniel Oubre Department for Pastoral Ministries Ext 1142
Dcn. Mike Pawelek Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life (210) 734-1678 Ext 1230
Lori Peery JD, JCL Chancellor (210) 734-1670 Ext 1307
Melissa Pena-Rodriguez   Department of Administration (210) 734-1681 Ext 1218
Margaret Perales Department of Development Ext 1095
Dcn. Roel Quiroga Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life (210) 734-1685 Ext 1232
Charles Ramirez Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-5137 Ext 1406
Yenisse Ramirez Department of Administration (210) 734-2620 Ext 1335
Linda Ramirez Department of Administration (210) 734-1672 Ext 1318
Toni Ramirez Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1657 Ext 1196
Xavier Ramirez Media and Communication (210) 734-1620 Ext 1102
Yesenia Ramirez Media and Communication (210) 734-1915 Ext 1113
Arturo C. Ramos Department of Administration Ext 1256
Alfonso Rebolloso Department of Administration (210) 734-2620
Grace Rodriguez Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1643 Ext 1205
Juan Carlos Rodriguez Department of Administration Ext 1305
Maria L. Rodriguez Department of Administration
Jennifer Rodriguez Department of Development (210) 734-1644 Ext 1091
Rebecca Rodriguez Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1270
Martha Ross Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life Ext 1318
Amy Rubio Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1646 Ext 1116
Laura G. Ruiz MS, MAPM Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1696 Ext 1135
Max Saavedra Department of Administration (210) 734-1683 Ext 1315
Esperanza Sanchez Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1966 Ext 1058
Elvira Sanchez Kisser Chancellor (210) 734-1959 Ext 1137
Kathryn Sauceda Media and Communication (210) 734-1981 Ext 1515
Barry Schoedel Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1960 Ext 1226
Linda Schooling-Burgos Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1097
Hon. Rebecca Simmons El Camino de San Antonio Missions (210) 734-1648
Lauren Stadelman Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1632 Ext 1143
Paul Stadelman El Camino de San Antonio Missions
Brent Stauffer Chancellor Ext 1146
Daryl Swanson Media and Communication Ext 1105
Del Tamez Media and Communication Ext 1217
Rev. Teji John Thanippilly Department for Pastoral Ministries
Delia Thomas Department of Administration (210) 734-1677 Ext 1333
Laura Torres   Department of Administration (210) 734-1955 Ext 1598
Logan Underdown Department of Administration (210) 587-4971 Ext 1055
Patricia   Vasquez   Department of Administration (210) 734-1682 Ext 1314
Sr. Elizabeth Ann Vasquez SSCJ Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life Ext 1204
Carmen Vidal Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1913 Ext 1144
Jazmin Villamil Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-1650 Ext 1213
Rebecca Villarreal Department for Pastoral Ministries (210) 734-5138 Ext 1141
Evelyn   Villegas   Department of Administration (210) 734-1667 Ext 1322
Sr. Clotilde N. Wanki SHSp, JCD Non-Departmental Offices (210) 734-1698 Ext 1139
Lydia Washington Department of Administration (210) 734-1633 Ext 1140
Marti West Ed.D. Department of Catholic Schools (210) 734-1657 Ext 1225
Binisa Zentella El Camino de San Antonio Missions

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