Disabilities Ministry

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The same Jesus who heard the cry for recognition from the disabled of Judea and Samaria two thousand years ago calls us, His followers, to embrace our responsibility to our own disabled brothers and sisters. – USCCB – Pastoral Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities

The Archdiocese of San Antonio aims to further the spiritual, intellectual, moral, and physical development of every member of the Body of Christ. The Archdiocese reaches out to the disabled so that they can fully participate in the life of the parish, in worship services, recreational events and other activities. The Archdiocesan Ministry for Persons with Disabilities serves as an educational/informational resource to develop and advocate for the most vulnerable in our communities.

Contact your neighborhood parish to learn more about the services and ministries they offer for those that are disabled.

A society truly welcomes life when it recognizes that it is also precious in old age, in disability, in serious illness and even when it is fading; when it teaches that the call to human fulfillment does not exclude suffering; indeed, when it teaches its members to see in the sick and suffering a gift for the entire community, a presence that summons them to solidarity and responsibility. – Pope Francis, Message of Pope Francis to Participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of its Founding


Lauren Stadelman
Director for Human Dignity & Pastoral Care

Phone: 210-734-1632
Email: lauren.stadelman@archsa.org

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