Celebrating Rural Life: An Invitation to all Parishes

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Arquidiócesis de San Antonio


Celebrating Rural Life 2024

Our Archdiocese is truly blessed in its diversity. To further promote unity within our local church and to highlight the specific blessing of our rural communities, we invite each parish to dedicate a weekend in May as Rural Life Weekend. May offers a great time to celebrate, honor, and pray for the parishes in our rural communities, as well as to honor St. Isidore, patron saint of farmers, whom the Church recognizes on May 15.

Rural Life Weekend would serve as an opportunity for both urban and rural parishes to recognize and celebrate the rural communities in the Archdiocese. Understanding that each celebration will look different, the Archdiocese offers resources and recommendations to help parishes customize their Rural Life Weekend celebrations.

Rural Life in the Archdiocese of San Antonio

Did you know that the Archdiocese of San Antonio includes 84 vibrant parish communities in rural areas? From the 19 counties in the Archdiocese, 18 of them boast the beauty of rural life. Our rural communities play a crucial role in supporting and complementing our urban communities in many ways.

Food and Infrastructure

Rural communities in the Archdiocese produce food and essential agricultural products that sustain our urban populations, including fresh vegetables, grains, dairy, and meat. Many rural communities also provide raw materials and natural resources such as timber, minerals, and water. Rural areas host infrastructure such as power plants, water treatment facilities, and communication networks that support both rural and urban populations. 

Economy and Biodiversity

Rural communities contribute to the overall economy by providing goods, services, and labor. Urban areas, in turn, provide markets for rural products and often serve as hubs for commerce and trade, creating a symbiotic economic relationship. Rural areas typically have more green spaces, biodiversity, and natural habitats than urban areas. Preserving rural environments helps maintain ecological balance, providing essential ecosystem provisions such as clean air, water purification, and habitat for wildlife.

Cultural Diversity

Rural communities often preserve unique cultural traditions, heritage, and ways of life. This cultural diversity enriches urban societies, contributing to a vibrant and varied cultural landscape. the relationship between rural and urban communities is interdependent, with each relying on the other for resources, economic support, cultural exchange, and environmental balance. Recognizing and valuing the importance of rural communities is essential for fostering sustainable development and inclusive growth in both rural and urban areas.

Recommendations for All Parishes

  • Incorporate the themes of rural life into liturgical celebrations: homilies, prayer of the faithful, post-communion blessings
  • Pray, publicize, and share the Novena to St. Isidore from May 7–15, 2025
  • Promote the celebration of Rural Life in parish communications
  • Share prayers for our rural communities in parish media (website, bulletin, social media)

Recommendations for Rural Parishes

  • Host a community potluck meal made from locally grown foods and dishes
  • Invite parishioners to bring tools, equipment, tractors to the parish for a blessing
  • Consider having an outdoor Mass on a parishioner’s farm or property
  • Honor local leaders in the community who have exemplified extraordinary stewardship
  • Honor “century farms” that have been in operation for 100 years or more
