Archdiocese of San Antonio responds to Catholics for Choice advertisement in San Antonio Express-New

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Archdiocese of San Antonio responds to Catholics for Choice advertisement in San Antonio Express-News

An organization called Catholics for Choice placed a full-page advertisement in the Sept. 12 edition of the San Antonio Express-News with inaccurate information which must be corrected, since it misrepresents the truth and what the Catholic Church believes and teaches.

This misrepresentation is demonstrated by their statement that ā€œPublic funding for abortion is a Catholic social justice value.ā€ Nothing could be further from the truth.

Before responding to claims made by Catholics for Choice in ā€œAbortion in Good Faith,ā€ it should be noted that this group does not speak for the Catholic Church. The group undertook a similar media campaign in the state of Colorado just two years ago, and the bishops there also responded in reiterating authentic Catholic social teaching and the consistent ethic of life.

For more than 2,000 years, the Church has steadfastly proclaimed that respect for all human life at every stage is foundational to the Catholic faith. Abortion from the earliest tradition of the Church has been considered immoral.

The Catholic Churchā€™s position on abortion is clear. In the magisterial document Donum Vitae (The Gift of Life), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirmed that, ā€œThe human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life,ā€ (Sec I.1) Direct abortion, or the intentional killing of a human being living in the womb, is always seriously immoral because as persons the right-to-life is the most basic and fundamental right we possess.

It is our hope that one day Catholics for Choice will take the time to acquaint themselves with basic Catholic teachings, and acknowledge the truth of the Catholic faith, and not choose to misrepresent her teachings with false and inaccurate information and ads that only work to confuse and mislead the public. Upholding the sacred dignity of all human life is the duty of every member of society and this duty must be taken seriously in order to ensure that we are a part of a culture that affirms the right to life for all, especially the most vulnerable among us.

La ArquidiĆ³cesis de San Antonio responde a un anuncio de Catholics for Choice en San Antonio Express-News

Una organizaciĆ³n denominada Catholics for Choice puso un anuncio de plana completa en el periĆ³dico San Antonio Express-News el 12 de septiembre con informaciĆ³n errĆ³nea que debe ser corregida, ya que tergiversa la verdad y lo que la Iglesia CatĆ³lica cree y enseƱa.

Esta tergiversaciĆ³n se demuestra con su declaraciĆ³n de que ā€œLa financiaciĆ³n pĆŗblica para el aborto es un valor catĆ³lico de justicia socialā€.Nada puede estar mĆ”s alejado de la verdad.

Antes de responder a afirmaciones hechas por Catholics for Choice en ā€œAbortion in Good Faithā€, debe hacerse notar que este grupo no habla en nombre de la Iglesia CatĆ³lica.El grupo emprendiĆ³ una campaƱa de medios similar en el estado de Colorado apenas hace dos aƱos y los Obispos allĆ” tambiĆ©n respondieron reiterando la autĆ©ntica enseƱanza social catĆ³lica y la coherente Ć©tica de vida.

Por mĆ”s de 2,000 aƱos la Iglesia ha proclamado categĆ³ricamente que el respeto a toda vida humana en cada etapa es fundamental para la fe catĆ³lica.Desde la mĆ”s antigua tradiciĆ³n de la Iglesia, el aborto ha sido considerado inmoral.

La posiciĆ³n de la Iglesia CatĆ³lica sobre el aborto es clara.En el documento magisterial Donum Vitae (El Don de la Vida), la CongregaciĆ³n para la Doctrina de la Fe afirmĆ³ que: ā€œEl ser humano debe ser respetado y tratado como persona desde el instante de su concepciĆ³n y, por eso, a partir de ese mismo momento se le deben reconocer los derechos de la persona, principalmente el derecho inviolable de todo ser humano inocente a la vidaā€ (Sec I.1).El aborto provocado, o el asesinato intencional de un ser humano vivo en el vientre, siempre es gravemente inmoral porque el derecho a la vida es el mĆ”s bĆ”sico y fundamental derecho que poseemos como personas.

Esperamos que algĆŗn dĆ­a Catholics for Choice se tome el tiempo de familiarizarse con las enseƱanzas catĆ³licas bĆ”sicas y reconozcan la verdad de la fe catĆ³lica, y no elijan tergiversar sus enseƱanzas con informaciĆ³n falsa e imprecisa, y con anuncios que sĆ³lo contribuyen a confundir y engaƱar al pĆŗblico.Defender la dignidad sagrada de toda vida humana es un deber de cada miembro de la sociedad y su obligaciĆ³n debe ser asumida con seriedad para asegurar que seamos una parte de la cultura que afirma el derecho a la vida para todos, especialmente los mĆ”s vulnerables de entre nosotros.