​Assumption Seminary: Hidden treasure

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Catholic News Agency


Assumption Seminary: Hidden treasure

Assumption Seminary in San Antonio has been around for over 100 years century to forming and training Catholic Priests, but for many, it is still a hidden treasure. With so much history, this seminary has continued to accomplish great things. Today, our network of alumni stretching from California, Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Tennessee, Virginia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas, (and others), to El Salvador and Columbia, serve the Catholic populations of their dioceses. Twelve Catholic bishops have been among the alumni of our esteemed school. For more than a century, Assumption Seminary has been the home of hundreds of priests in Texas and neighboring states, spiritual leaders formed to serve the Church in the image of God.

Continuing the formation established by Jesus to train his disciples (Mt 4:20; Mk 2:14; Lk 5:27; Jn 1:43; Acts 2:42) and following the Church’s formation tradition passed down over the centuries, Assumption Seminary opens its doors to welcome Christ-centered young men who are discerning their vocations to priestly ministry. Presently, there are 12 dioceses and one apostoliccongregation who have sent 72 seminarians to study in both theology and college at Assumption.

All seminarians are required to take classes in philosophy and Biblical, doctrinal, sacramental, moral, and pastoral theology which gives them a firm foundation for future ministry. Though academic achievement is important, Assumption Seminary also focuses on helping future priests grow in human development, nurturing human qualities which help them witness Christian faith by living a balanced life. St. John Paul II affirmed that human formation is the basis of all priestly formation which helps them develop into mature and virtuous persons. (Pastores Dabo Vobis n. 43).

However, the center of life must be rooted in the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian spirituality according to Vatican II, in daily morning and evening prayers, in Holy Hour Adoration, in daily time alone with God, in reflective reading of Scripture, in personal prayer of the rosary or various forms of prayer and spiritualties. It is the spiritual dimension that reinforces one’s vocation and sanctifies one’s life. There is a simple slogan related to all seminarians which says, “You can’t speak for Jesus if you don’t know Him.” An intimate relationship with Jesus is the seminarian’s spiritual goal.

In addition, pastoral assignments provide excellent opportunities for seminarians to learn more about themselves as ministers and to experience the reality of the Church’s ministries. Depending on their level of formation, a task appropriate to their experience is assigned to strengthen one’s commitment and to effectively improve one’s pastoral skills.

At Assumption, all seminarians are accompanied by one spiritual director (internal forum) and another advisor (external forum). Each seminarian is expected to meet with his spiritual director and advisor every two weeks for guidance and check-ups. The formation program is designed with great intentionality, with the goal that the seminarians will always find assistance and clarity in their discernment.

We ask for your prayers for our seminarians. Due to COVID-19, Assumption Seminary has not opened its doors for visitors since March of 2020. We continue to maintain a healthy community, building strong bonds of friendship that support each seminarian in his vocational journey and in his ministry, in the present, and in the future. May God bless all who have been helping Assumption Seminary to carry out this unique mission, to form well rounded future priests, in the image of Christ, the Good Shepherd.