Adult Confirmation

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The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace … by the sacrament of Confirmation [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. – U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults 

Are you an adult seeking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Congratulations! Through this sacrament your life in the Spirit will be strengthened and enriched! The Archdiocese provides several opportunities per year for adult Catholics (18+) to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Because this sacrament is so intimately united to the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, persons wishing to be confirmed must: 

  • Have been baptized 
  • Have already received their first Eucharist 
  • Have been through a process of preparation to receive the sacrament of Confirmation 

What happens if the person has not been baptized or received first Eucharist?

If an adult has not yet been baptized or received first Eucharist and wants to be confirmed, they are invited to participate in a process called OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). Since these adults need more than one sacrament, they require more formation and preparation received through the OCIA process; thus, they cannot participate in the shorter preparation for Adult Confirmation described below. If you want to be confirmed and need the Sacrament of Baptism or Eucharist, please contact your neighborhood parish to inquire about the OCIA.  Click here to find a parish near you.

Preparation for Adults Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation Preparation in the Archdiocese

If you offer Confirmation Preparation for Adults at your parish and are open to help prepare adults from other parishes, please submit the preparation information to us using this form and it will be made available on the calendar below:

Important Information for Pastors and Parish Formation Leaders

Important information for pastors and parish formation leaders, like Adult Confirmation Requirements can be found on the Resources page.

Attention Parish Catechists/Coordinators/Directors of Religious Education!

Thank you for the work you do in preparing adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation!

Your parish Confirmation team is responsible for completing the required Archdiocesan Adult Confirmation Registration Form for each Adult Confirmand. 

The registration forms and additional Confirmation resources can be found on the Resources page.

For more detailed information on how the parish team can prepare adults for Confirmation and information to parishes hosting a Confirmation liturgy, see fact sheet on the Resources page.

If additional assistance is needed regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults, please contact your neighborhood parish or contact the Department for Pastoral Ministries at 210-734-1952 or by email

2024-2025 Adult Confirmation Mass Schedule

Upcoming Adult Confirmation Masses can be found here:

Guidelines for Confirmation

Guidelines for Confirmation can be downloaded from the Guidelines, Recommendations, and Policies page.

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