Parish Life

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Many pastors and parish leaders are so busy handling their day-to-day tasks that long-term strategy and teamwork get pushed aside.

Don’t let common obstacles keep you from doing the work to which God called you.

Are you experiencing:

  • Lack of collaboration among ministries and staff
  • Unproductive or excessively long parish staff and ministry meetings
  • Confusion on the parish’s direction
  • A large loss of parishioners when pastors and parish leaders leave
  • Lack of support as parish leadership
  • Difficulty properly analyzing parish and ministry activity

Don’t let these six obstacles get in your way. The Parish Life team can help you work together and establish pastoral plans so your parish can grow and make missionary disciples.

How We Can Help

man and woman sitting and laughing

Team Building and Development

Helping pastors and parish leaders understand that the mission is greater than themselves, discern who the right people are to have on the parish team, and work well
together through vulnerability-based trust and healthy conflict.

people sitting around a table talking

Short- & Long-term Pastoral Planning

Supporting pastors and parish leaders in developing pastoral visions (both for the parish and individual ministries) that are inherently tied to the pastoral vision of the archdiocese, with relevant goals and objectives.

people sitting around a table talking

Transition Management

Accompanying pastors and parish leaders as they navigate critical moments in the life of their parish, whether that be personnel, community, or structural changes.

Need something else?
Not sure who to contact at the diocese?
Connect with our team!

man speaking to a group of people

1-2 Hour Trainings & Presentations

women sitting and smiling at camera

Half & Full Day Workshops

men and women sitting at a table

Facilitated Parish Discussions

two men sitting at a table talking

1-1 Accompaniment with Parish Leaders

Transforming your parish doesn't have to be complicated.

Working with the Parish Life team is simple. Let’s schedule a time to connect so we can get an idea of where your parish or ministry is at, develop a plan to address your needs, and then accompany you as it gets implemented for additional support as your parish or ministry starts to experience transformation.
Smiling Parish Life liaisons

Connect With Us

Connect with our team to discuss pain points related to pastoral planning, teamwork among your staff and ministry leaders, and navigating transitions.
People discerning a plan while sitting around a table

Discern a Plan

We will discern together the best way for our team to assist you moving forward in these areas, developing a specific plan with a timeline and expected results.

Group of people posing for a picture while standing in a gym

Experience Transformation

Accompany your staff, ministry leaders, and parishioners as you experience cultural change and witness your parish transform as they align and work together.

Take the 1st step…

You've had an encounter with the Lord, that's why you're here. You want others to encounter Him too, that's why we're here.

Focusing on teamwork and pastoral planning isn’t a fast or easy solution for your parish and ministries to thrive, but it does work. When we work together, we will clarify your pastoral vision, help you discern the right people to have around the table, analyze your parish and ministries, develop a concrete pastoral plan, and prepare for future transitions. Do you want a healthier parish and ministries? Connect with our team today. 


“Everyone was very informative and will allow us to take [what we learned] back to our parish to propose and establish new changes to the better good of our community!” 

West Urban Deanery Pastoral Council Member


“This [pastoral council] training was very good and practical. The topics in the presentation could be used with other ministries and areas of the parish, not just our pastoral council.”

– Fr. James Ikeatuegwu

Contact Us

Meet the Parish Life Team

Daniel Oubre


Ademola Elliotte
Associate Director

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