Bishops tell young African digital influencers to brace for the challenges ahead

Digital influencer standing in front of a wall of screens

Members of the African Synodal Digital Youth Influencers who graduated recently from the African Digital Faith Influencers Formation program of the Pan African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network (PACTPAN) were told to “brace for the challenges that lie ahead of [them] in the digital peripheries [they] seek to evangelize.”

Padre Pio spoke languages he didn’t even know

Padre Pio

Various historical testimonies document that the beloved St. Pio of Pietrelcina (commonly known as Padre Pio), whose feast day is celebrated on Sept. 23, had the gift of xenoglossia — that is, he was capable of speaking and writing in languages that he did not actually know.

Christian community comes closer together amid attacks on Holy Land

Father Nikodemus Schnabel

Although interreligious dialogue among the Holy Land’s Jews, Muslims, and Christians has suffered as a result of the intensification of armed conflict in the region, a Benedictine abbot in Jerusalem said the situation has also led to tighter bonds among the Christians of different backgrounds who remain there.

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