Invocation & Meal Blessing – Deacons Gala
Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts in the name of Jesus Christ, who became the living bread for us, humbling himself to the point of the cross, that we might share in eternal life.
Remarks – Catholic Charities New Office Blessing
Thank you all for joining us to celebrate the blessing of Catholic Charities’ new Mother Teresa Center.
November Elections 2024
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, states regarding this column, “This content could help people make rational and faith-based decisions according to their consciences. I thank Bishop Sis for his reprint approval.”
Archbishop Gustavo requests prayer intentions for All Souls’ Day
Thank you, Deborah, for your kind introduction! Fr. Jim Myers, Assumption Seminary formators and staff members, dear benefactors; thank you!
Invocation and Meal Blessing at Assumption Seminary Gala Dinner
Thank you, Deborah, for your kind introduction! Fr. Jim Myers, Assumption Seminary formators and staff members, dear benefactors; thank you!
On the Way – ¡Ándale! Capital Campaign concludes
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing to you with immense gratitude and joy in my heart as we have successfully concluded the On the Way – ¡Ándale! capital campaign.
Invocation for Amazing Parishes Conference
Welcome! We gather today with hearts full of gratitude for your dedication to this conference and, most importantly, to your life’s ministry.
Our Vocation to Service after the Example of St. Lawrence – Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation Program
Dear friends in Christ, I am delighted to meet with you today, and to see in you some future features of the face of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
La Eucharista Sana las Heridas del Alma
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, a lo largo de los siglos y de las últimas décadas, el progreso científico ha permitido que cada vez más la medicina penetre más profundo hacia las causas de las enfermedades.
El camino sinodal y la migracion
Agradezco mucho la invitación al P. Aldo Skoda, Director del Instituto Scalabrini para las Migraciones Internacionales, al igual que a la Dra. Emilce Cuda, Secretaria de la Pontificia Comisión para América Latina. Buenos días y buenas tardes a todos.