We know that choosing a school is overwhelming, and so many schools lack either the educational opportunity or the values and community you are searching for. With 35 schools to choose from, we are confident we have the perfect fit for your family.
Our schools are fully- accredited, ensuring the tradition of academic excellence continues.
We offer Micro schools, Spanish Immersion and dual-language, Montessori, STEAM, Fine Arts, AP Classes, Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment, and so much more. With an abundance of offerings across our schools, there is no wrong choice. Every school is rooted in the Catholic faith, and you can experience the peace of knowing your values are not compromised in the classroom. Students attend weekly mass and have an abundance of opportunities to grow spiritually through retreats, activities and an education with faith woven throughout all subjects.
Did you know that Catholic Schools are traditionally less expensive than other private schools? With Tuition rates no more than the average daycare costs, the transition from daycare to private school can be seamless.
In fact, some families save money compared to their previous daycare bills.
For those who need additional help affording tuition in our Catholic Schools, the Archdiocese of San Antonio has Tuition Assistance through Hope For the Future. With the qualification standards differing greatly from higher education, many of our families find themselves able to receive assistance.
As cliché as it sounds, it really does take a village to raise a child. In fact, our reality is that our village can spend as much time with our kids as we do, so choose your village wisely.
What does it mean to make a Catholic school your village? It means you have partners in the classroom and an administration that aligns with the values you want instilled in your child. It means your children have mentors, role models, and examples that will lead them in the same direction you would- towards God. It means you will become part of a community that focuses on the whole child, including their soul.
Students enrolled across the diocese
Elementary (K – 8) / High school enrollment
Total high school enrollment
Average student / teacher ratio
Elementary schools
High schools
Over $104 million in college scholarships offered in 2023-2024
Student reported
Archdiocese of San Antonio
2718 W. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, TX 78228
Phone: 210-734-2620
To report violations against the Code of Conduct contact the Archdiocesan Misconduct Hotline by calling 844-709-1169, or online through EthicsPoint.