Holy Spirit LoveStrong Marriage Enrichment Retreat (Spanish)

Church of the Holy Spirit 8134 Blanco Rd., San Antonio, TX, United States

The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is a weekend packed with special presentations, exercises, music, and activities designed to reinforce each couple’s commitment to each other and a deepening of their Christ-centered bond. All couples participate in the program beginning on Friday evening, Saturday morning – evening and Sunday morning – afternoon, but they return to their […]

Sts. Peter & Paul-New Braunfels LoveStrong Marriage Enrichment Retreat (English)

Sts. Peter & Paul-New Braunfels Catholic Church 386 North Castell, New Braunfels, TX, United States

The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is a weekend packed with special presentations, exercises, music, and activities designed to reinforce each couple’s commitment to each other and a deepening of their Christ-centered bond. All couples participate in the program beginning on Friday evening, Saturday morning – evening and Sunday morning – afternoon, but they return to their […]

Holy Trinity LoveStrong Marriage Enrichment Retreat (Spanish)

Holy Trinity Catholic Church 20523 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX, United States

The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is a weekend packed with special presentations, exercises, music, and activities designed to reinforce each couple’s commitment to each other and a deepening of their Christ-centered bond. All couples participate in the program beginning on Friday evening, Saturday morning – evening and Sunday morning – afternoon, but they return to their […]

Holy Spirit Marriage Preparation Retreat (English)

Church of the Holy Spirit, Skylight Room 8134 Blanco Rd., San Antonio, TX, United States

Holy Spirit is happy to offer Marriage Preparation Workshops quarterly. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is NOW OPEN.

Our Lady of Grace Marriage Preparation Retreat Weekend

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 223 East Summit, San Antonio, TX, United States

Our Lady of Grace offers Marriage Preparation Retreat Weekends for engaged couples throughout the year. The goal of the weekend retreat is to provide engaged couples with the knowledge, skills, and formation they need to have a happy, holy, lifelong marriage. These three-day retreat weekends include discussions on Christian spirituality, Natural Family Planning, communication, and […]

St. Peter the Apostle-Boerne Marriage Preparation Retreat

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne, TX, United States

The Marriage Preparation Retreat at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church provides engaged couples the opportunity to learn from experienced, happily married couples, the steps that they have taken in developing a life-long friendship and loving relationship that involves the couple and God as a three-person team in that relationship. The Marriage Preparation Retreat is […]

Un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (Spanish)

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 600 Oblate Dr., San Antonio, TX, United States

Un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial podría ser EL fin de semana para que los dos se reconecten y revitalicen su matrimo­nio. Es una experiencia guiada por parejas y un sacerdote que te ayudan a redescubrir tus sueños, a reavivar tu romance ya ser más conscien­te del deseo de Dios para tu matrimonio. […]

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

T Bar M Camps & Retreats 2549 TX-46, New Braunfels, TX, United States

Reconnect, transform, and fall in love all over again. Application fee: $200

UNITAS Marriage Preparation Retreat (English)

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower 907 Kentucky Ave., San Antonio, TX, United States

The UNITAS Marriage Preparation retreat is in full conformity with the Archdiocese of San Antonio. UNITAS meets the requirements by the state of Texas and is available for couples engaged to be married, couples in a civil union, or in a common law union. This retreat is in English.

Un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (Spanish)

Drury Plaza Hotel San Antonio Airport 95 NE Interstate 410 Loop, San Antonio, United States

Pongo gran parte de mi esperanza para el futuro en Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. Papa San Juan Pablo II Es hora de entregar el mejor regalo a nuestra relación! Asiste al próximo fin de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial y puedes darte la oportunidad que has estado esperando de renovar y mejorar tu relación matrimonial. Un […]

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