Our Lady of Grace Marriage Preparation Retreat Weekend

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 223 East Summit, San Antonio, TX, United States

Our Lady of Grace offers Marriage Preparation Retreat Weekends for engaged couples throughout the year. The goal of the weekend retreat is to provide engaged couples with the knowledge, skills, and formation they need to have a happy, holy, lifelong marriage. These three-day retreat weekends include discussions on Christian spirituality, Natural Family Planning, communication, and […]

Little Pumpkin’s Palooza

Guadalupe Community Center 1801 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd., San Antonio, TX, United States

A free and safe fall festival for families and children to enjoy food, snacks, carnival games, pumpkin patch, haunted hallway, and costume closet.

Assembly: Walking United in Christ

St. Mary’s University 1 Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX, United States

Saturday, October 26 | 8 a.m.-3 p.m. | St. Mary's University (1 Camino Santa Maria, SA, TX 78228) Join us for the Assembly as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the diocese of San Antonio in 1874! We will gather at St. Mary’s University to celebrate this extraordinary and momentous occasion in […]

National Vocation Awareness Week

We are filled with joy and hope as we announce the annual National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW). During this special week, we invite you to pray for an abundance of vocations to church ministry, and for the spiritual well-being of those who currently serve our Church as priests, brothers, sisters, deacons, and lay ministers. This […]

St. Peter the Apostle-Boerne Marriage Preparation Retreat

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne, TX, United States

The Marriage Preparation Retreat at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church provides engaged couples the opportunity to learn from experienced, happily married couples, the steps that they have taken in developing a life-long friendship and loving relationship that involves the couple and God as a three-person team in that relationship. The Marriage Preparation Retreat is […]

Un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (Spanish)

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 600 Oblate Dr., San Antonio, TX, United States

Un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial podría ser EL fin de semana para que los dos se reconecten y revitalicen su matrimo­nio. Es una experiencia guiada por parejas y un sacerdote que te ayudan a redescubrir tus sueños, a reavivar tu romance ya ser más conscien­te del deseo de Dios para tu matrimonio. […]

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

T Bar M Camps & Retreats 2549 TX-46, New Braunfels, TX, United States

Reconnect, transform, and fall in love all over again. Application fee: $200

Deacons Gala

Holy Trinity Catholic Church Banquet Hall 20523 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX, United States

Friday, November 8 | Holy Trinity Catholic Church (20523 Huebner Rd., SA, TX 78258) Click here for more information Click here to register The Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) and the Office of Diaconate Ministry and Formation are pleased to announce the annual Deacons Gala! Proceeds will go towards the continuing formation of the currently […]

You CAN Raise Catholic Kids!: A webinar for parents and caregivers

You CAN Raise Catholic Kids! What Parents (and all who work with families) need to know A webinar presentation by: Dr. Greg Popcak Raising kids to be faithful Catholics can seem like an impossible task in today’s world. Join Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak as we explore the secrets of families who have successfully raised […]

Event Series McGrath Series for Young Adults

McGrath Series for Young Adults: Who We Are

St. Pius X Catholic Church 3303 Urban Crest, San Antonio, TX, United States

Young Adults are invited to a four-part series beginning next September 20 from 6:30-9 p.m. titled Who We Are: The Relationships that Make Us. In collaboration between the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and the Office of Young Adult Ministry, we invite you to register! Click here to register […]

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