Twenty-second Thursday in Ordinary Time – Memorial of Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Home | Homilies | Twenty-second Thursday in Ordinary Time – Memorial of Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller's Crest

Today, we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a woman who embodies the very essence of the teachings of Jesus and the wisdom of the Gospel. As Pope Francis said at her Canonization, “Mother Teresa, in all aspects of her life, was a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through her welcome and defense of human life, those unborn and those abandoned and discarded.”

Reflecting on the readings, particularly the words of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, we are reminded of the importance of deep spiritual wisdom, a wisdom that goes beyond mere human knowledge and finds its fullness in Christ. Mother Teresa was a living example of this wisdom. Her life was a testimony to the deep knowledge of God’s will, as she dedicated herself entirely to serving the poorest of the poor. In a world that often glorifies material success and intellectual competence, Mother Teresa’s life challenges us to look beyond the superficial and to seek the deeper, spiritual wisdom that comes from God.

Like the Christians in Saint Paul’s time, we too face the danger of being swayed by the “wisdom” of this world. We are constantly bombarded with messages that equate happiness with wealth, power, and prestige. Yet, Mother Teresa’s life teaches us that true happiness lies in living out the Gospel, in loving and serving others with the selfless love of Christ. Her wisdom was not of this world but of God, who called her to see Christ in the distressing disguise of the poor, the sick, and the dying.

Mother Teresa’s unwavering faith in the face of trials is a powerful reminder for us. She showed us how to live out our Christian calling with grace. Even in the darkest moments, when she experienced profound spiritual dryness, she continued to serve with a heart full of love, trusting in God’s providence.

Mother Teresa’s life reflected today’s Gospel message, where Jesus calls Peter to cast his net into the deep. Despite the challenges and the “empty nets” of worldly endeavors, Mother Teresa trusted in the Lord’s command and ventured into the deep waters of human suffering. Her “catch” was not one of material gain but of souls brought closer to God through her compassionate service.

As we honor Saint Mother Teresa today, let us be inspired by her example to seek the true wisdom that comes from God, to trust in His Word, and to dedicate our lives to the service of others. In doing so, we too can become vessels of Christ’s love in the world, just as she was.

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