Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Care of Creation Mass

Home | Homilies | Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Care of Creation Mass
A girl speaking into a microphone at Care for Creation outdoor Mass

Location: Mission San Francisco De La Espada

As we gather for the Mass for the Care of Creation, we are reminded of the healing that we all need – not just individually but also as a human family, called to care for our common home, the Earth. We live in a world that is wounded: our planet suffers from environmental degradation, and the poor and vulnerable bear the heaviest burdens. Yet, in the midst of this, we hear Jesus’ call to healing. “Effetá” – be opened – Jesus says to the deaf-mute in today’s Gospel, and He says the same to us. Be open to healing, to renewal, to the transformation of the world and the way we live in it.

We are called to recognize the deep interconnectedness between God, humanity, and creation. Caring for the Earth is not just an environmental issue; it is a moral and spiritual responsibility.

As we commit to Jesus’ mission of healing, gratitude and praise should flow from our hearts, just as the psalm reminds us of God’s goodness to all creation.

Today, we also celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pope Francis has pointed out that, “Carried up into heaven, she is the Mother and Queen of all creation. In her glorified body, together with the Risen Christ, part of creation has reached the fullness of its beauty. She treasures the entire life of Jesus in her heart, and now understands the meaning of all things. Hence, we can ask her to enable us to look at this world with eyes of wisdom.”

Let us entrust ourselves to the motherly care of Our Lady of Guadalupe as we seek to follow her Son in building a world of sustainability, solidarity, and stewardship.

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